Activities / CV
Social sciences
MY ACTIVITIESHead of the Social Sciences team, my work focuses on socio-cultural dynamics of contemporary food. I am particularly working on cooking practices at home on a comparatist point of view, on the dynamics and transformations of the alimentary practices on a global scale and on the socio-cultural representations related to alimentation. Furthermore, I am involved in researches on service interaction (in hospital and school environments) and on socialization through cuisine.
Read more PROFESSIONAL CAREER - 2013-2014: Post-Doctorate on the IMAGITOUR program (UMR 7324 CITERES, Université François Rabelais de Tours)
- 2011: PhD in anthropology and sociology (Université Lumière Lyon II)
- 2004: DU (University Degree) of Specialized Studies in Egyptology (Université Lumière Lyon II)
- 2003: Bachelor degree in Philosophy (Université Jean Moulin Lyon II)