Press releases and articles

Press releases and articles

Year 2023

  • Article « Un programme pour que tous les seniors mangent équilibré et à bas coûts » - Le Progrès.
On Thursday 11 January, nearly twenty senior citizens from Ecully met at the Maison de la Solidarité. On the agenda, the discovery of the workshops in which they participated during the year 2022, within the framework of the "Alisa" programme.
Read the article

Year 2022

  • End of the CANUT project "CAncer, NUtrition & Taste" coordinated by the Institut Lyfe Research Centre.
Published on November 4th, 2022.

Disgust, hypersensitivity, false taste, loss of motivation... Chemotherapy treatments can induce this type of disturbance in patients and change their food preferences. Through phase 1 of the CANUT project, we sought to better understand these mechanisms and to develop, test and deploy adapted solutions.

See the press release (in French)

  • New EU Research Project HEALTHFERM Just Launched: Plant-based Fermented Foods for Healthier and More Sustainable Diets.
Published on September, 1st, 2022

New research is underway: an interdisciplinary consortium of 22 international partners with the help of community science targets the societal and industrial transition from traditional to sustainable plant-based fermented foods by design for a healthy everyday diet.

See the press article

  • In partnership with the Institut Lyfe Research Centre, Lesaffre publishes "Fermentation", a book to raise public awareness on the benefits of fermentation
Published on March, 23rd, 2022

Through this book, published by Flammarion and produced in partnership with the Institut Lyfe, Lesaffre's aim is to provide a better understanding of the tremendous contribution of fermentation thanks to micro-organisms such as yeast and bacteria, pioneers of life on Earth and omnipresent in our environment. The fermentation process, once limited to food preservation, has now become an answer to preserve and better feed the planet.

See the press article

  • The APICIL Group and the Institut Lyfe Research Centre publish a new booklet entitled "Bariatric surgery and taste, what changes"

Read the booklet online (in French)

  • TV Report on Le Magazine de la santé « J’ai un cancer : comment retrouver l’appétit ? » - France 5
The programme "J'ai un cancer : comment retrouver l'appétit ?" broadcast in the Magazine de le Santé highlights our "CANUT" project.
The CANUT collaborative project "CAncer NUtrition & goûT" aims to better understand the changes in perception (taste, smell, etc.) in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and to propose and test solutions to improve their quality of life with regard to food.
See the full report 

  • TV Report « Alimentation : comment se nourriront les consommateurs dans le futur ? » - Franceinfo
"How will we feed ourselves in the future? The question also sounds like a challenge: to feed 10 billion people by 2050. The future may well be insects."
At the Institut Lyfe Research Centre, chefs Marie Natalizio and Julien Ferretti are thinking about the food of tomorrow.
A few metres away, customers are having lunch under the gaze of the cameras. Audrey Cosson, a food scientist, observes their behaviour and reactions.
See the full report 

  • Program Votre Santé Lyon " Cancer, une étude pour redonner du goût " - BFM LYON
Agnès Giboreau, Director of the Institut Lyfe Research Centre, was invited by BFM LYON in the programme Votre Santé in partnership with the magazine Ma Santé Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes to talk about food and cancer through the CANUT project.

See the program

  • Article "Journée de sensibilisation au cancer du sein au centre commercial Confluence" - Le Progrès
On the occasion of Pink October, the Institute Lyfe Research Centre set up shop at the Confluence Shopping Centre alongside the Hospices Civils de Lyon Cancer Coordination Centre, the Auvergne Rhône Alpes Regional Cancer Screening Coordination Centre - CRCDC AuRA, the League against Cancer and So'Lyon Mutuelle.
Animated stands were set up on the ground floor of the shopping and leisure centre to raise awareness of breast cancer and promote early detection.

Read the article

  • Article « Cancers : une étude démontre comment la chimiothérapie perturbe le plaisir de manger, et donc la santé des patients » – Tribune de Lyon
On November 8, 2022, the Institut Lyfe research centre, the Clara cancer centre and the HCL unveiled the results of the Canut project on the link between chemotherapy and eating habits.

Read the article

Year 2019
  • A new booklet to improve elderly's food behavior by the Institut Paul Bocuse Research Center & Adrea
Published on December, 30th, 2019
See the press article (in French)
Download the booklet (in French)

  • Program Xenius by ARTE, a science and innovation approach around taste
Broadcast on December 13th, 2019See the program (in French).
  • The Institut Lyfe Research Center, with the support of ADREA Corporate Foundation, published its new guide book entitled "Pleasure in the plate, elderly people losing their autonomy"
Published on December 12th, 2019

See the press release (in French)
Download the booklet (in French)

  • The APICIL group and the Institut Lyfe Research Center continue their collaboration publishing a new booklet entitled "The significant impact of snacking"
Published on December 10th, 2019
See the press release (in French).
Download the booklet (in French)
  • 1000 athletes present in Villeurbanne, 9000 euros raised to support Canut - the Research Project that give again eating pleasure to cancer patients.
Published on September 22nd, 2019See the press release (in French)
  • Cancer and nutrition : launching of Canut Project
Published on September 2019
See the press release (in French)
  • "Why are we afraid of new food?" report realised by BBC - Andrea Savorani Neri
Published on July 15th, 2019

How does the brain influence the way we taste things? Why some new food become a landmark recipe while others are forgotten? A new collaboration between neuroscientists and chefs reveals how the brain influence the way we taste food.
See the 4 minutes report

  • CLARA is pleased to announce the launch of the CANUT project « Cancer, Nutrition & Taste » coordinated by the Institut Paul Bocuse Research Center
Published on May 13th, 2019

The CANUT project aim is to better understand the changes in perception and eating behavior induced by cancer chemotherapy, with the aim of improving the quality of life related to meals.
See the press release
  • Nutrition and Health : The Apicil Group and the Institut Lyfe Research Center publish a booklet on "Vegetables and children"
Published on April 2nd, 2019

The APICIL Group and the Institut Lyfe Research Center are offering a new booklet, which completes the collection on food and well-being launched last spring. A simple and practical tool for health professionals and parents, this booklet aim is to understand children's eating habits to better support them in their nutrition education.

See the press release

Read the booklet online

  • New Partnership between the Institut Lyfe Research Center and the Loricorps Quebec Laboratory - Eating Disorders
Published on March 15th, 2019

THE INSTITUT LYFE RESEARCH CENTER has made another important step in its development by signing a five-year partnership agreement with the Loricorps research group at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR).
See the press release



Research & Innovation Center - Institut Lyfe

Château du Vivier - Ecully - France
Tel: +33 (0)4 72 18 02 20


Raphaëlle Mouillefarine
Partnerships Development
Send an email
+33 (0)4 26 20 97 63

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