ISPAR- Innovation & Science For Food and Food Service

ISPAR - Innovation & Science Pour l'Alimentation et la Restauration (Innovation & Science for Food & Food service) is a program to support all stakeholders in designing tasty, healthy and sustainable food, using skills and resources of the Institut Lyfe Research & Innovation Center formerly Institut Paul Bocuse and its partners.

ISPAR's first objective is to bring together public and private multi-sector partners to share knowledge and participate in collaborative projects.

The second objective of ISPAR is to propose a complete technical platform with a range of services available to all actors.


The ISPAR Technical Platform: spaces at the cutting edge of technology 


How to join ISPAR?

For any questions or requests, please contact Raphaëlle Mouillefarine, in charge of partnership development:

Supported by the program PIA3 - Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (Future Investment Program)

Research & Innovation Center - Institut Lyfe

Château du Vivier - Ecully - France
Tel: +33 (0)4 72 18 02 20


Raphaëlle Mouillefarine
Partnerships Development
Send an email
+33 (0)4 26 20 97 63

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