Jérémie Lafraire

Research Director-Cognitive Science Assistant Director for Academic Research


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Activities / CV

Cognitive science


Jérémie Lafraire is a PhD in Cognitive Science and has been graduated from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris (Ulm). After a degree in Philosophy of Cognitive Science, he joined the Research Centre of the Lyfe Institute in 2014.
Jérémie Lafraire is in charge of the research group in cognitive science applied to food (Food Cognition Group): he is interested in the cognitive mechanisms underpinning complex facets of food perception and behavior, in particular the different perceptive and conceptual representations of food.
Recent studies conducted by the Food Cognition Group focusd on the cognitive factors of food rejection in children or in patients suffering from anorexia nervosa but also on the multimodal perception of flavor.

Professional Career
  • 2014-today: Research Scientist in cognitive science, Center for Food and Hospitality Research at Institut Lyfe
  • 2014: Postdoctoral researcher, Center for Food and Hospitality Research at Institut Lyfe & Centre PsyCLE, Aix Marseille University
  • 2013: Qualification aux fonctions de maître de conferences - French post - doctoral degree allowing its holder to teach at the university - section CNU 17: philosophy
  • 2012: PhD in philosophy and cognitive science - highest distinction - Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, Ulm -Institut Jean Nicod
  • 2010: Visiting scholar - New York University - department of philosophy - 6 months
  • 2010: Diploma of the ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure - Paris, Ulm - Cognitive Science and Philosophy
  • 2008: Research Master in Cognitive Science - with honours - Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, Raspail
  • 2006: Licence in Philosophy - with honours - Rouen University
Teaching Experience
  • 2014-today: Teaching instructor in cognitive science, Institut Lyfe
  • 2014: French literature teacher, Junior High School Petit-Val, Sucy-en-Brie
  • 2013: Academic consultant in philosophy and psychology for MOUSEION
  • 2012-2013: Teaching instructor, Lille 3 University, philosophy department, three courses in philosophy of psychology
  • 2011-2013: Teaching assistant, AgroParisTech (Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food, and Environmental Sciences): philosophy of science and ethics
  • 2008-2011: Teaching instructor at Paris-Est Créteil University (UPEC), philosophy department: courses in philosophy of language and mind, philosophy of cognitive science, modern philosophy and aesthetics

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Peer reviewed articles
  • Nguyen, S. & Lafraire, J. (2020) Children’s food cognition: Introduction to the special issue, Cognitive Development, 56: 100963, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogdev.2020.100963
  • Lafraire, J., Rioux, C., Hamaoui, J., Girgis, H., Nguyen, S., & Thibaut, J. P. (2020). Food as a borderline domain of knowledge: The development of domain-specific inductive reasoning strategies in young children. Cognitive Development, 56, 100946.
  • Roque, J.; Lafraire, J.; Auvray, M. (2020) Audiovisual Crossmodal Correspondence between Bubbles’ Size and Pouring Sounds’ Pitch in Carbonated Beverages. Foods 2020, 9, 966.
  • Foinant, D., Lafraire, J., Thibaut, J.-P. (2020), A time for a meal? Children’s conceptions of short and long term effects of foods, Cognitive Development, 55, 100885. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogdev.2020.100885
  • Rioux, C., Lafraire, J., Picard, D., Blissett, J. (2019) Food rejection in young children: Validation of the Children Food Rejection Scale in English and cross-cultural examination in the UK and France Food Quality and Preference, 73, 19-24
  • Roque, J., Lafraire, J., Spence, C., & Auvray, M. (2018) The influence of audiovisual stimuli cuing temperature, carbonation, and color on the categorization of freshness in beverages. Journal of Sensory Studies, e12469.
  • Rioux, C., Leglaye, L., & Lafraire, J. (2018). Inductive reasoning, food neophobia, and domain-specificity in preschoolers. Cognitive Development, 47, 124-132.
  • Roque, J., Auvray, M., & Lafraire, J. (2017). Understanding freshness perception from the cognitive mechanisms of flavor: the case of beverages. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 2360.
  • Rioux, C., Lafraire, J., & Picard, D. (2018). Visual exposure and categorization performance positively influence 3-to 6-year-old children's willingness to taste unfamiliar vegetables. Appetite, 120, 32-42.
  • Roque, J., Guastavino, C., Lafraire, J., & Fernandez, P. (2018). Plating influences diner perception of culinary creativity. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 11, 55-62.
  • Rioux, C., Lafraire, J., & Picard, D. (2017). Food rejection and the development of food category-based induction in 2–6 years old children. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 1-13.
  • Rioux, C., Picard, D., Lafraire, J. (2016) Food rejection and the development of food categorization in young children, Cognitive Development, 40, 163-177.
  • Rioux, C., Lafraire, J., Picard, D. (2017) Development and validation of a new scale to assess food neophobia and pickiness among 2- to 6-years old French children, European Review of Applied Psychology, 67:2, 67-77.
  • Lafraire, J. (2017). Facing the mirror: A relativist account of immune nonconceptual self-representations. Philosophical Psychology, 30(1-2), 140-160.
  • Lafraire, J. ; Rioux, C.; Giboreau, A. ; Picard, D. (2016) Food rejections in children: Cognitive and social/environmental factors involved in food neophobia and picky/fussy eating behavior, Appetite 96, 1-11.
  • Lafraire, J. ; Rioux, C.; Roque, J.; Giboreau, A. ; Picard, D. (2016) Rapid Categorization of Food and Nonfood Items by 3- to 4-Year-Old Children , Food Quality and Preference, 49, 87-91.
  • Lafraire, J. (2013). Two Notions of (Mis)-Identification. Philosophical Inquiries, 1(2), 39-53.
Articles targeting a larger audience
  • Lafraire, J., Petit, E., Giboreau, A. , Schwartz, C (2015). How to measure behavioral food neophobia in children under a natural setting? Menu 4, 37-43
  • Lafraire, J. ; Picard, D. (2014) « J’aime pas ! », Cerveau et Psycho Sept/oct.
  • Lafraire, J. ; Giboreau, A (2014) La Perception multimodale des vins en contexte, Le « Living Lab » du Centre de Recherche de l’Institut Lyfe, au service d’expériences de dégustation en conditions réelles de repas, Revue des Œnologues, 153, 35-37
  • Lafraire, J. (2009) L’avenir des connaissances naïves, débats en sciences cognitives Le Prisme à Idées, 2.
Guest co-editor
  • Nguyen, S. & Lafraire, J. (Eds.) (2020) Children’s food cognition, Special Issue of Cognitive Development, 56.
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