Somesthesia in cancer patients: variability and influence on eating experience

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Changes in taste and smell perception among cancer patients have been extensively studied, however knowledge on mouthfeel perception (including texture, temperature, chemesthesis, and trigeminal) of this population is limited. Given the multidimensionality of sensory perception, the current research project aims to investigate the variability of mouthfeel perception and its interrelation with food preference of cancer patients. This will allow adoption of knowledge to formulate food products modified to their needs and preference. To attain these objectives, the research project will lead to two main studies: 1) an exploratory study on multisensory perception and preference, 2) food design and intervention study. The work will result in increased understanding of the variability and the role of somesthesia on eating experience of cancer patients. In addition, the work can highlight opportunities through food design by texture, temperature, and trigeminal modification for increased consumption of foods according to patients needs and food preferences.
Supervisor :
Dr. Florence Carrouel- Dr. Anestis Dougkas - Prof. Wender Bredie
Partners :

Research & Innovation Center - Institut Lyfe

Château du Vivier - Ecully - France
Tel: +33 (0)4 72 18 02 20


Raphaëlle Mouillefarine
Partnerships Development
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