Maxime Barbier
Sciences cognitives
Research topics
Activities / CV
MY THESISSemantics in olfactory perception : investigating the meaning of odors, fragrances and nose of wines.
ATTACHEMENTSHuman and Artificial Cognition Laboratory (CHArt, RNSR 200515259U), Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes - PSL, University of Milan, Department of Philosophy.
MY EXPERIENCE - Since October 2023 : PhD student in Cognitive Sciences, 'Integrated Systems, Environment and Biodiversity' programme at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes.
- Since October 2023 : PhD student in Pholosophy, programme 'Human Mind and its Explanations: Language, Brain and Reasoning' at the Università degli Studi di Milano, IUSS Pavia and Scuola Normale di Pisa.
- Master of Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I).
- Degree in Philosophy, course in Logic. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I).
- Degree in Psychology. University of Tours.
- Degree in Physics, Fundamental Physics. UPMC (Paris VI)
Additional information
MY ACTIVITIESDetermine a unified theoretical framework to account for the meanings of odours.
- To study the capacity of the arts of odour and aroma composition to convey messages.
- Apply notions of the philosophy of language to the corpus of discourses describing wine.
Maxime Barbier. What is entropy? Philosophy. 2021.. ⟨dumas-03468942⟩. THESIS IN A FEW WORDSSemantics of non-linguistic stimuli - Olfactoy experience and cognition - Aesthetics of the chemical senses - Metaphysics of odours
Research & Innovation Center - Institut Lyfe
Château du Vivier - Ecully - France
Tel: +33 (0)4 72 18 02 20
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