Calixte Engelberg

PhD Student


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Sociologie et anthropologie

Research topics

Food repertoire renewal

Activities / CV

The sociological conditions of the food repertoire. The case of algae.

EHESS (Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales) Paris, Centre Maurice Halbwachs (ENS)

  • 2013-2015: BTS in photography, Lycée Jean Rostand, Roubaix, France
  • 2017-2020: Bachelor’s degree in international studies and modern languages, Laval University, Québec, Canada
  • 2020-2022: Master’s degree in ethnology, Strasbourg University, Strasbourg, France

Additional information

The aim of this thesis is to study the renewal of the food repertoire from the point of view of the sociology of consumption and food. What are the factors that lead to the introduction of a new food? How does a new eating habit become part of a routine? Starting with the places where seaweed is produced (harvesters, processors), sold (shops, markets) and promoted (conferences, foreshore outings, cookery workshops), this research will begin by looking at the discourses and representations associated with seaweed consumption in France, by those who already eat it. It will also look at which products are promoted and purchased by consumers.
To do this, individual semi-directive interviews will be conducted with producers and demonstrators, as well as participant observations at events. This survey method will highlight the interactions between participants and their concerns and motivations for consuming seaweed.
Secondly, interviews will be carried out with consumers encountered at seaweed-related events (beach walks, conferences, shops) to see whether these products have become part of their eating habits. From the point of view of the theories of practice and the concept of routine (Warde, 2005; House, 2018), the aim will be to study this integration (or non-insertion) over time by conducting several interviews with the same people in order to understand the levers and obstacles to the adoption of this new food in their diet.

2023, L’oléiculture dans les Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, pp. 67-75, in L’olivier, notre arbre, dir. Julie Deramond et Antonin Chabert, catalogue de l’exposition L’olivier, notre arbre, musée de Salagon, 2023/2024.


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