Menu, Journal of Food and Hospitality Research Volume 4, 2015, Pages 37-42
How to measure food neophobia in school agedchildren under a natural setting: tracks for ecological evaluations
Lafraire, J. Petit E. Giboreau, A. Schwartz, C.
The Centre for Food and Hospitality Research, Institut Paul Bocuse, 69130 Ecully
DOI: Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present an ecologically-valid methodology to assess the efficiency of sensory education sessions on food behaviors and preferences in school aged children. We measured the impact of these sessions during an “experimental mid afternoon snack” at the research center of the Institut Paul Bocuse. Three variables were investigated: neophilia (willingness to try a priori unknown foods), order of choices, and quantities consumed. Data was obtained from pictures and reports. Interestingly, we observed a significant increase of the neophilia score but also that more a priori known foods were eaten within the intervention group.