Menu 4 - Paper 5

Menu, Journal of Food and Hospitality Research
Volume 4, 2015, Pages 27-30

Teaching and learning linguistic and interactional skills in table waiting vocational training - How to deal with competence building?

Céline Alcade
LabEx ASLAN – Laboratoire ICAR (Interactions, Corpus, Apprentissages, Représentations), Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon - Site Descartes, 15, Parvis René Descartes, BP 7000, 69342 LYON cedex 07


Abstract: This research paper relates to the linguistic and interactional skills’ transmission in the context of the table waiting vocational training. Adopting a qualitative and inductive approach borrowed from ethnography and based on participant and non-participant observations (video recording, note taking, interviews), we analyzed how operates the transmission process of the aforementioned competencies. We briefly present our findings in this article, which highlight that a complex collective dynamic takes place to achieve competencies transfer, questioning the individualizing approach of vocational skills training and assessment.

Keywords: learning and training, ethnography of communication, discourse analysis and interactional sociolinguistics, multimodality, training engineering

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